Back to School in Canada

The back-to-school season is upon us, and that means it’s time to stock up on all the supplies you’ll need for your kids to get back into the swing of things. But if you’re like me, that can mean spending hundreds of dollars on basic items like notebooks and pencils — all while living in an expensive city where rent keeps going up. So how do parents who want their kids to get a great education without breaking the bank manage? Here are some tips that might help:

Take inventory of your supplies

The first thing you will have to do is take inventory of your supplies. Do you have everything that is going to be necessary for the school year? Are there any items that you need to buy or borrow from someone else? If so, make a list of these things so that it’s easier for you and your family members when shopping for them.

Once this step is done, organize them in a way that makes sense for you. For example: if all of your pencils are in one place and all of your notebooks are in another place, then keep them separated by color as well (blue pencils with blue notebooks). This way they’ll be easier to find when needed! If some students prefer using pens over pencils, then let them use their own method but still keep track of which item belongs where by labeling each one accordingly (e.g., “This is my pen.”/”This belongs here”). Remember not only does organization make things easier but also helps prevent losing anything important like keys or electronics during class time!!

Make a list and budget

Now that you’ve got a general idea of how much money to expect and where to find it, it’s time to make a list and budget.

First, make a list of everything you need for school. These could include:

  • Textbooks
  • School supplies (like pencils, paper, binders)
  • Lunch money or snacks

Look for deals and coupons

  • Check newspapers and magazines. Many newspapers have a section of coupons, so you can look for them every week at your local grocery store.
  • Check online coupon sites. Websites like Groupon and Living Social are great places to find deals on everything from restaurants to beauty treatments to school supplies. If there’s a deal for anything that you need for back-to-school, it’s probably on one of these sites!
  • Look for coupons on social media. It’s pretty common nowadays for companies to offer coupons through their social media channels—so if you see any companies that sell the types of things in which you’re interested (e., pens or notebooks), make sure to follow them so that they can keep you up-to-date with new offers as they come up!
  • Look in store flyers: Many stores will send out flyers with all sorts of special offers in them! Keep an eye out for any sales or discounts that might be available during back-to-school season at stores like Staples and Walmart; often times these stores will have big sales right around August when kids start school again after summer vacation ends (this also works great since most schools start around September/October).


We hope that you have found our tips on back to school in Canada on a budget useful. While it can be expensive, there are plenty of ways to save money and still find everything you need for school. You just have to know where to look!

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